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Kids and Teens


Arthritis can occur at any age, from as young as infancy. This resource is designed to help parents, guardians and caregivers of children and teens with arthritis learn more about the condition and how to best support their child. Learn about the different types and symptoms of childhood arthritis (also known as juvenile arthritis), available treatments, self-management strategies, as well as Arthritis Society programs and supports.

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Coping with juvenile arthritis can be a challenge. These articles can help you support your child to take control of their condition and improve their self-reliance.

Your child is not alone. As many as 25,000 Canadian children and adolescents seek healthcare for arthritis. Read some of their inspiring stories and learn about how they’ve overcome obstacles to achieve their goals.


The Arthritis Society is a proud funder of research seeking to better understand juvenile arthritis, develop new treatment approaches, and help young people manage their symptoms. Find out more about the work of our grant recipients in the stories below.