Health and wellness advice, self-management tips, inspirational stories and much more to help you live well and flourish when living with arthritis.
The medication guide is designed to help you make informed decisions about your arthritis treatment plan and enable you to ask your health care team questions around available medications, including details on dosages, effectiveness, side effects and warnings.
Brand Name(s) Winpred®, generics
Drug Class Corticosteroid
Brand Name(s) Esomeprazole (Nexium...
Drug Class NSAIDs and COXIBs
Brand Name(s) Rituxan®, Truxima...
Drug Class Biologic
Brand Name(s) Rub A535®, Aspercreme...
Drug Class Non-prescription medication
Brand Name(s) Kevzara®
Brand Name(s) Cosentyx®
Brand Name(s) Depo-medrol...
Brand Name(s) Salazopyrin®, generics
Drug Class Disease-Modifying Anti-Rheumatic Drug (DMARD)
Brand Name(s) Actemra®