In provinces and territories across Canada, patients require a referral to see a specialist, either from a family doctor or another specialist. In some cases, for example for elective surgeries or cosmetic surgeries, specialists will see patients privately and without a referral from a family doctor. However, in these instances, the patient will be billed and must pay the specialist directly. Information about doctors and the services they provide may be obtained from the College of Physicians and Surgeons in your province or territory.
Some family doctors specialize in certain diseases or conditions; check with your family doctor, clinic, or pharmacist to find out if there is a family doctor in the area that can look after your speciality needs.
If you would like to see a specialist, but your family doctor is reluctant to make the referral, please be sure that you clearly communicate your symptoms to your family doctor.
You’re not always going to be satisfied with everything you are being told by your healthcare professional. In these instances, consider the following:
- Make sure you have provided all the information that you can to help with diagnosis and treatment planning, including your needs and treatment goals.
- Be clear with your treatment team member if something is not working or will not work for you – have an open, honest and respectful discussion about any misgivings you may have about your diagnosis or treatment.
- Be sure you are following the treatment plan as recommended by your team
- Consider connecting with a patient support group or discussion board to find out if they have similar challenges and how they handle them.