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General provisions

General provisions

The following conditions and regulations apply to all individuals receiving research funds or training assistance administrated by the Arthritis Society.

1. Terms of grants and awards and “condition of approval”

Grants and Awards are made only upon the approval of the Arthritis Society. All grantees and the Host Institution must formally accept a grant and all grants are at all times conditional upon and subject to availability of funds to the Arthritis Society. In addition, the Arthritis Society reserves the right to terminate or change, at any time, any grant or award.

2. Award maximum

In accepting an award, whether for research or training, the recipient acknowledges and agrees that the award constitutes the maximum payable.

3. Commitments on Arthritis Society Canada’s behalf

Grantees and named investigators funded by Arthritis Society Canada are not eligible to sign contracts or undertake commitments on behalf of Arthritis Society Canada.

4. Title of equipment

Title to all equipment purchased is vested in the Host Institution and it is the responsibility of that institution and the applicant to ensure there is adequate and appropriate insurance coverage. However, while ownership is vested in the Host Institution, Arthritis Society Canada reserves the right to enter into discussions concerning the ultimate disposition of such equipment in the event of programmatic changes.

5. Change of Host Institution (Transfer of Grant)

Grants and Awards are made for research or training at the universities or institutions specified in an application. If a grantee/awardee leaves this institution, the grant or award normally terminates. The transfer of the full responsibility of the grant to another eligible Principal Investigator may be considered. However, if the grantee/awardee is transferring to another eligible Host Institution, application may be made to have the unspent portion allocated for use at that institution. In the case of a grant, such application requires that a new signed Host Institution/Arthritis Society Canada Agreement form must be obtained. If approval is given, it will be necessary to provide new certificates from the Animal Care Committee, the Ethics Review Committee and/or the Biohazards Committee of the new institution, if applicable. In the case of an award, please contact Arthritis Society Canada for instructions. Arthritis Society Canada retains the right to approve or deny the transfer of a grant to a new PI or host institution.

6. Change in status of Grantees/Awardees and projects

Should a grantee/awardee be unable to continue the research program or course of study for which he/she has received support, the grantee or awardee and/or the Host Institution shall immediately notify Arthritis Society Canada so that appropriate action can be taken. In the case of research grants, all grants are conditional upon the continual involvement of named Co-Principal Investigators and/or Co-applicants. The grantee is required to notify Arthritis Society Canada if any role changes significantly or the PI’s status changes which may affect eligibility.

If components of a project change significantly from the approved application, the project may be subject to review. PI’s must report changes to Arthritis Society Canada as such changes occur as well as in their annual progress report.

7. Funding outside of Canada

Arthritis Society Canada funds may only be used to support research conducted in Canada. In unique circumstances and only where scientific methodologies demand, funds may be considered for use outside of Canada when it is necessary to complete the proposed work (e.g., limited/rare populations where sufficient accrual is not possible in Canada). All such requests will be reviewed on an individual basis. Collaborators and partners may be from outside of Canada.

8. Special competitions

In the future, it is expected that Arthritis Society Canada may from time to time make special awards, issue Requests for Applications (RFAs) or offer contracts in order to implement priorities and the achievement of its published objectives. In such cases, the decisions will be announced to as wide a community as possible and opportunities provided for competition within the approved terms of reference.

9. Non-employee status

Individuals who derive income for training or for research support from the resources of Arthritis Society Canada, whether grantee, research personnel, trainee, or assistant in any unit, are not considered as employees of Arthritis Society Canada.

10. Sabbatical leave/Leave of Absence/Maternity or Parental Leave

Prior permission is required if a grantee/awardee wishes to retain a grant during a period of sabbatical leave. The grantee must make a written request specifying the dates and location of the leave, a short summary of the research to be conducted and the arrangements made for maintaining and supervising the research operation overall and the project specifically. Written verification must also be provided that approval has been given from his/her Host Institution and from the venue where the sabbatical study will be carried out. Permission must be requested prior to the beginning of the fiscal year during which the sabbatical leave will commence or for which it has been requested.

Arthrits Society Canada must be notified of any leave of absence or maternity/parental leave of the grantee or awardee that exceeds 90 days. Continuation of the grant/award will be at the discretion of Arthritis Society Canada.

11. Maternity/parental leave extensions

Funding is not provided to extend a grant due to maternity/parental leave, however extension of the end date (No Cost Extension) is possible. See the Financial Administration policies item 10.)

12. Acknowledgement of funding

All recipients of support should understand that they can play an integral role in the efforts to provide more funds for research in the future. Recipients of funding are expected to acknowledge the support of the funder in all scientific communications and media releases related to the award.

To acknowledge funding, researchers should state “This research is funded by Arthritis Society Canada (and partners as applicable) (grant #XXXXXX)”.

13. Open Access Policy

Effective immediately, any researcher currently supported in whole or in part through Arthritis Society Canada is required to make their published results of supported work publicly available as soon as possible, but must do so within twelve months of the final publication date.

Archives such as PubMed Central, researcher's Host Institution websites and/or open access journals are all acceptable ways to make research findings publicly available. The Arthritis Society Canada’s Open Access Policy will operate in a manner that does not violate copyright law.

Unrestricted public access to research findings is a crucial part of upholding the values and responsibilities of Arthritis Society Canada. Open access allows for broader dissemination of knowledge and ultimately promotes research advancement, of crucial to Arthritis Society Canada’s mission of investing in cutting-edge research that will deliver better health outcomes for people affected by arthritis.

Read more about the Arthritis Society Canada’s Open Access Policy, or contact us at

14. Financial audit

Arthritis Society Canada reserves the right to audit the Grants/Awards statement of account.

15. Scientific audit

It is a condition of all grants and awards that the work of the grantee or awardee may be reviewed at any time. Such review may be carried out by means of visits by one or more members of a review team to the research site at appropriate times and intervals.

16. Integrity in Research and Scholarships

Arthritis Society Canada has a formal policy on Integrity in Research and Scholarship for the guidance and information of both applicants and Host Institutions. It is a requirement that the appropriate senior representatives of the Host Institution and all investigators understand and adhere to the statements in this policy.

17. Inventions and patents

It is a condition of payment of any award for research that the University or Institution in which the research will be conducted maintains a policy on inventions and patents to which the recipient is subject. As well, such policy must not require Arthritis Society Canada to assume any responsibility for any costs, expenses, or liabilities relating to inventions or patents. It is intended that provisions be made for proper recognition of the individual’s genius and industry which have contributed to the research effort, as well as to add to the funds available to the University or Institution to foster further research, particularly in support of research on arthritis.

18. Industry-Related Research

Arthritis Society Canada has a formal policy on Industry-Related Research for the guidance and information of both applicants and Host Institutions. It is a requirement that the appropriate senior representatives of the Host Institutions and all investigators understand and adhere to the statements in this policy.

19. Disclosure of commercial interests

It is a condition of application that Principal Investigators, Co-Principal Investigators and Co-applicants disclose fully any financial interest they have in any Company, Corporation or other commercial venture whose business activities are related to the subject matter of an Arthritis Society Canada grant application. Such financial interests include, but are not limited to: owning a substantial number of shares of the Company (e.g., 5% or greater), sitting on the Board or other Committees of the Company, having an appointment (full- or part-time) as an Officer or Staff member of the Company, acting as a Consultant or Advisor for the Company, having any contract for services with the Company, receiving remuneration of any kind from the Company, etc.

Further, Arthritis Society Canada will not approve applications that involve any element of financial profit from the grant to an application or any others named in a grant submission including collaborators, partners and/or key personnel.