Gifts in kind are donations of products or services to Arthritis Society Canada in return for recognition and/or tax benefits. Gifts in kind can take many forms, including donations of items for an auction benefiting Arthritis Society Canada, donations of time for critical services that advance Arthritis Society Canada’s mission (e.g. video production services), or donations of products that could be distributed to people living with arthritis (e.g. children’s backpacks for our backpack program).
If your company offers products or services you think would be beneficial to us, please contact Anna Baranowski, Manager, Corporate & Sponsorship Giving, to discuss the possibilities.
Note: the Canada Revenue Agency states that tangible gift-in-kind donations are eligible to be tax receipted at the item’s fair market value, but it does not allow charitable tax receipts for donations of intangible things, such as time or services. Read more about the CRA’s guidelines on gifting and receipting.