Join Dr. May Choi in this live session as she discusses whether arthritis and other autoimmune diseases can be prevented. She will offer valuable advice on reducing your risk of arthritis, reducing disease-related complications, and tips to slow the progression of the disease. At this Arthritis Talks, you will learn:
- The importance of early diagnosis for arthritis and autoimmune diseases
- The signs and symptoms to watch for
- How arthritis is diagnosed
- Who is at risk
- Ways to prevent or lower your risk
- Steps you can take to stop the progression of these diseases
With the serious impact of arthritis projected to increase by 50% and affect 9 million people in the coming years, don't miss this chance to learn and take proactive steps toward protecting your joints and overall health. Register now!
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Don’t miss the opportunity to ask your questions directly to our experts. Submit any questions in advance to arthritistalks@arthritis.ca.
Dr. May Choi
Dr. May Choi is a rheumatologist and clinician scientist who started on faculty at the Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary in 2020, and is a Member of the McCaig Institute for Bone and Joint Health. As an early career investigator, her research is focused on biomarker discovery and validation for prediction of clinical outcomes in autoimmune rheumatic diseases, and the prevention of autoimmune disease development and disease-related complications. She is the Director of the Artificial Intelligence and Autoimmune Diagnostics (AI.Dx) laboratory and biobank for local, national, and international collaborators. Her background and training include a Masters of Public Health in Epidemiology at Harvard University and a lupus fellowship at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital (Boston, MA). Dr. Choi is also the Associate Director of MitogenDx Laboratory for novel autoantibody and biomarker testing for autoimmune diseases and the Associate Director of Research for the University of Calgary Lupus Centre of Excellence, which complements her research.
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1 - By 2045, the number of people in Canada living with arthritis is expected to grow by 50% to 9 million (Source: ACREU 2023, based on CCHS 2019-2021 and Statistics Canada Projected Population 2022)