Social Impact Program Submission Process and Review Criteria
Who Can Apply?
The Arthritis Society invites expressions of interest from researchers, clinicians and systems innovators across Canada with evidence-based interventions that exist or are in development but are not yet widely available or implemented within the healthcare or social systems. The Arthritis Society will create viable ways for interventions to be sustained by contractually bringing funders, innovators and other partners to the table. Any intellectual property will remain with the applicant/host institution.
Selection Criteria
The following criteria will be used to guide the evaluation of the submitted Expressions of Interest for their suitability to the program goals.
Potential to improve access to care for people living with arthritis, including navigation of the health system
Potential to address inequities in arthritis care in Canada
Novelty and innovation of the intervention
Strength of evidence or scientific consensus that the intervention could improve health outcomes, quality of life or generate cost savings
Extent to which intervention builds on previously proven intervention models
Extent to which outputs and outcomes can be measured accurately and cost effectively, including the availability of baseline data
Extent to which proposed evaluation measures have been shown to be an effective predictor of outcomes and downstream impact
Intervention alignment with current, recent or upcoming priority policy area or grant opportunities as set out by a major funder (e.g. government or foundation)
Extent of public or political support for the intervention
Experience and track record of applicants (researcher/investor/academic)
Submission Format and Process
Expressions of Interest must be submitted through the following form. Applicants are encouraged to pay attention to the recommended word count for each section.
Selection and Next Steps
The Arthritis Society is interested in all submissions received and will evaluate them with external experts in arthritis care and social impact programs. We aim to advance 1-2 social impact programs over the next year, supported by funding and project management, to bring the concept to fruition. The specific activities and future investment will depend on the nature of the intervention/solution, but may include collaboration with external implementation and funding partners from the private or public sector, initiation of dissemination and implementation strategies and/or seed investments.
Key Dates:
December 14, 2021 – Submissions close
January 31, 2022 – Response to EOI applicants selected for further development
Submit Expression of Interest
If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Siân Bevan.