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Top 10 arthritis research advances of 2022


Arthritis researchers across Canada continue to bring us closer to a future where arthritis is extinguished. 

In 2022, Arthritis Society Canada funding led to exciting advances, for example, in understanding the connection between gut bacteria and arthritis and uncovering how certain molecule patterns might predict the progression of osteoarthritis or someone’s response to treatment for rheumatoid arthritis.

Arthritis Society Canada is pleased to announce the Top 10 Arthritis Research Advances of 2022, made possible by donor funding.

“There’s never been a more important time for arthritis research,” says Dr. Siân Bevan, Chief Science Officer at Arthritis Society Canada. “Arthritis is a complex disease, with more than 100 different types, and researchers are transforming how we prevent and treat it, while bringing us closer to a cure.

“We’re proud to shine a spotlight on some of the most exciting advances of 2022 with our annual Top 10 list.” 

Etienne Doré of Université LavalEtienne Doré of Université Laval made one of last year’s top advances. Under the supervision of Dr. Éric Boilard, he discovered that a protein naturally present in the gut acts directly on intestinal bacteria to cause changes in the immune system and promote inflammatory arthritis in mice. Additional research may unravel which bacteria might be protective or damaging in relation to inflammatory arthritis in people, and whether treatments that impact gut bacteria could offer a new approach to preventing or treating inflammatory arthritis.

“I’d like to sincerely thank all Arthritis Society Canada’s supporters and contributors, without whom advances like these would never be possible. Together, we can fight the fire of arthritis,” says Doré.

Arthritis Society Canada is Canada’s largest charitable funder of cutting-edge arthritis research. Thanks to the generous support of donors who help fuel our mission, we were able to invest $5.3 million in research last year alone. 

Be inspired by all the Top 10 Research Advances of 2022.


About Arthritis Society Canada    

Fueled by the trust and support of our donors and volunteers, Arthritis Society Canada is Canada’s national health charity fighting the fire of arthritis with research, advocacy, innovation, information and support. We represent the six million Canadians living with arthritis today, and the millions more who are impacted or at risk. Arthritis Society Canada is accredited under Imagine Canada’s Standards Program. For more information, visit

For more information or to arrange interviews:     
Katherine Janson
Senior Director, Corporate Communications and Content 

Brigitte Fortin  
Directrice du marketing et des communications  

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