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Ontario Health’s updated quality standard for osteoarthritis care in adults

Now updated: Ontario Health’s Osteoarthritis: Care for Adults With Osteoarthritis of the Knee, Hip, Hand, or Shoulder quality standard (originally published in 2018) has been expanded to include osteoarthritis of the shoulder and updated to include the most recent clinical evidence.

Quality Standard PDFIn Ontario, approximately 14% of people aged 20 years and older have osteoarthritis, a progressive disease of the whole joint that leads to the breakdown of joint cartilage and the underlying bone. There is no cure for osteoarthritis, but strategies exist to help people with osteoarthritis reduce pain and improve joint function to help them maintain their quality of life and delay disability. Unfortunately, osteoarthritis is often underdiagnosed and undertreated, and people often miss opportunities to benefit from high-quality care.

The updated Osteoarthritis quality standard outlines the following opportunities to improve care for people with osteoarthritis of the knee, hip, hand, or shoulder: 

  • Clinical Assessment for Diagnosis 

  • Comprehensive Assessment to Inform the Care Plan 

  • Patient Education 

  • Patient Self-Management Plan 

  • Therapeutic Exercise 

  • Physical Activity 

  • Weight Management 

  • Pharmacological Symptom Management  

  • Referral to a Clinician with Additional Skills in Osteoarthritis Management 

  • Referral for Consideration of Joint Surgery  

The patient guide that accompanies the Osteoarthritis quality standard is designed to help people with osteoarthritis and their families and care partners know what kind of care they should receive. It also contains links to helpful resources about living with and managing osteoarthritis.  

There are many opportunities to improve care for people with osteoarthritis. Please share the updated quality standard, patient guide and accompanying resources with your networks. For more information, please contact

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