Finding Low- or No-Cost Treatment Options

Finding Low- or No-Cost Treatment Options

Find affordable extended health and complementary treatment options near you.

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Living with arthritis can pose a number of challenges, including finding affordable treatment options. While visits to a medical doctor are generally covered by government healthcare plans, other treatment options often have a cost associated with them. Extended health benefits may offer some cost coverage, but if you do not have extended health benefits, some treatment options may be more difficult or too expensive to access. 

Always check with your healthcare team before trying any treatment options you have not already discussed. Not everyone with arthritis will have the same experience, and not every treatment option will be appropriate for you and your needs.

While not an exhaustive list, this resource is meant to help you find low or no cost extended health and complementary treatment options near you.

Canada-wide Options

Northwest Territories Options

Programs or services listed in this document are not affiliated with Arthritis Society Canada and their inclusion in this list is not an endorsement of any one service, individual, or program. Items listed are subject to change. If you notice something in your area is either missing, or has incorrect information, please let us know by email at

If you are a provider offering low or no cost treatment options for people managing arthritis or chronic pain, and do not see your service listed here, please contact us by email at to let us know.

Thank you to Jordan Rose for their help with this resource.