Osteoarthritis Resources for Clinicians
Resources, tools and guides for healthcare professionals to help identify and case manage patients with osteoarthritis.
(Arthritis Alliance of Canada, Centre for Effective Practice, and College of Family Physicians of Canada)
The Osteoarthritis (OA) Tool has been developed for primary care providers who are managing patients with new or recurrent joint pain consistent with OA in the hip, knee or hand. This tool will help clinicians identify symptoms and provide evidence-based, goal-oriented non-pharmacological and pharmacological management while identifying triggers for investigations or referrals.
(Health Quality Ontario)
The quality standard focuses on the assessment, diagnosis, and management of [osteoarthritis] for people across all health care settings and health care professionals.
(Osteoarthritis Research Society International)
These guidelines serve to “update and expand upon prior Osteoarthritis Research Society International (OARSI) guidelines by developing patient-focused treatment recommendations for individuals with Knee, Hip, and Polyarticular osteoarthritis (OA) that are derived from expert consensus and based on objective review of high-quality meta-analytic data.
(American College of Rheumatology/Arthritis Foundation)
An evidence-based guideline for the comprehensive management of osteoarthritis (OA)
(Bone & Joint Canada)
A report on the 2019 national meeting of Bone & Joint Canada on Managing Hip and Knee OA: From Diagnosis to Surgery
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