Planning Your Conversation about Arthritis at Work is a tool to help employees start a dialogue about their workplace needs as they relate to arthritis.
Once you’ve decided to share some information about your workplace limitations or arthritis to your employer, this resource will help you discuss your needs. If you’re still trying to decide whether or not to give your employer some information about your condition’s possible impact on your job, visit the Disclosing Your Condition resources on our workplace portal for employees. In order to access accommodations at work, you aren’t required to share your specific diagnosis (i.e. arthritis) or its symptoms (e.g., pain, fatigue), but you will need to discuss limitations related to your job. This can include difficulties with meeting job demands or being unable to perform some job tasks. Some employers may require a note from your doctor confirming these limitations and their potential impact on your work.
When talking to your employer about your arthritis for the first time, it can be helpful to write down in advance what you plan to say and practice with a family member or friend. To help you prepare your script, here are some key questions to think about beforehand:
The information provided is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace professional advice. A disability manager or human resources professional can often help determine the most appropriate accommodations to meet your needs. Health care professionals may also be able to provide important advice about health limitations at work. If you require legal advice, please contact an appropriate legal professional.
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The Planning Your Conversation about Arthritis and Work tool was developed in collaboration with the ACED Partnership Project, with expert advice from:
Monique A. M. Gignac, PhD
Scientific Co-Director and Senior Scientist, Institute for Work & Health
Professor, Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto