Peer Reviewers 2021 First Name*: Last Name*: Email Address: Primary Affiliated Institution*: Primary Title*: Province*: Select your province Alberta British Columbia Manitoba New Brunswick Newfoundland and Labrador Nova Scotia Northwest Territories Nunavut Ontario Prince Edward Island Quebec Saskatchewan Yukon Other Check all types of arthritis for which you are considered highly knowledgeable or a Subject Matter Expert: Ankylosing SpondylitisAvascular necrosisDegenerative disc disease/chronic back injuryDiffuse Idiopathic Skeletal HyperostosisElher-Danlos SyndromeFelty's SyndromeFibromyalgiaGoutInfectious ArthritisInflammatory Bowel DiseaseJuvenile Ideopathic ArthritisLupus (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus)Lyme DiseaseMyositis or PolymyositisOsteoarthritisOsteomalaciaOsteoporosisPaget's DiseasePsoriatic ArthritisPseudo Gout (CPPD)Raynaud's PhenomenonReactive ArthritisReflex sympathetic dystrophy (Complex Regional Pain Disorder)Repetitive Stress Injuries (Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Tennis/Golfer's Elbow, DeQuervain's, Tendosynovitis, Bursitis, Tendonitis etc.)Rheumatoid ArthritisSclerodermaScoliosisSeronegative ArthritisSjogren's SyndromeSpinal StenosisStill's DiseaseTMJ disordersVaculitis (Giant cell, Bechet's, PMR, Wegener's Granulomatosis, etc.)Other Are you interested in becoming a peer reviewer for the annual research competitions or a Subject Matter Expert in the review/development of health information for consumers? Please check the box of the role you are interested in: Peer Reviewer: Recruited for various Arthritis Society Canada research review panels. Scientific peer reviewers, along with consumer peer reviewers, assess award/grant applications for each award/grant cycle. Composition on a panel will depend on the expertise needed for the applications under review.Subject Matter Expert (SME): Provides a professional review of content for our website, resources, or educational materials. A SME may be contacted to provide input on a resource in development, to review a newly developed resource for accuracy, or to help update existing materials. This role may be assumed by someone with significant professional experience and expertise relevant to the content to be developed/reviewed. Areas of Interest: Reviewing or develop health information for Society consumersParticipating in Arthritis Society Canada symposia or patient engagement workshopsParticipating in government advocacy activitiesParticipating in training programs – either for patients or for students and researchersParticipating in activities to educate the public about scientific research projectsOther