Annual progress and end-of-grant reports
In order to highlight research findings to the public, grantees are requested to contact the Arthritis Society Canada Senior Manager, Knowledge Translation and Exchange with copies of important preprints and reprints and to involve the appropriate office in any media interactions that emanate from the funded research activities. The funder acknowledgement (item 8) must be included in any grant announcements.
All grant/award recipients must submit scientific reports throughout the grant/award and after the end date. The report must be submitted fifteen (15) days after the anniversary date of the grant/award for subsequent payments to be released. Principal Investigators will be emailed instructions about completing the report in our online system (Apply). If you encounter problems or have not received an email please contact
***Submission of these reports is mandatory. Failure to submit the required reports will result in the future instalments being withheld.***
Grants and Career Awards
An "Annual Progress Report" must be submitted by the Principal Investigator of any ongoing research grant. This progress report provides details of progress, and research impacts, media contacts, leveraged funding, trainees and any publications/honours during the grant year.
Training Awards
At the completion of each award year, a report summarizing the progress to date must be submitted. This report should be prepared in close consultation with the research supervisor.
Post-grant reports
Grants and Career Awards
As impacts of research may occur beyond the termination date, grantees must submit a “Post Grant” report two (2) years after the grant termination date. The report will capture publications, status of trainees, etc. Stars Career Development Awardees are required to submit additional post award reports one-year and three-years after the Arthritis Society Canada funding term to confirm Host Institution support.
Principal Investigators will be emailed instructions about completing the report in our online system (Apply). If you encounter problems or have not received an email, please contact