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supplement news article

Sep 14

What It Feels Like: First Crohn's disease, then arthritis
Kayla Jenkins knew something was wrong for years — as someone with a family history of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), she knew her symptoms weren’t normal. A few years after being diagnosed with Crohn’s disease, Jenkins was also experiencing joint pain that was very similar...
supplement news article

Jul 18

Arthritis is so much more than just a few aches and pains
When Rachel Gehue was referred to a pediatric rheumatologist, she was already experiencing pain and swelling in her ankles. The symptoms that first appeared after having her spleen removed seem to resolve without treatment, but weeks later, returned. She was eventually diagnosed with juvenile...
supplement news article

Jan 05

Two knee replacements by my mid-40s
Sharmila Sriram was just 29 years old when her knee gave out during a kickboxing class. In the weeks that followed, the inflammation in her knee spread to her ankle and then to her wrist. It would take a year before Sriram would finally have a diagnosis: seronegative rheumatoid arthritis.The...
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