Demystifying arthritis with cutting-edge research

Thanks to the generous support of our donors and partners, we invested $6.2 million in research, and brought over 180 research trainees, scientists, clinicians and consumer experts together virtually at the fourth Annual Canadian Arthritis Research Conference. Misconceptions about the disease are plenty and by driving game-changing research, we are transforming the way Canada’s most common chronic disease is understood, treated and managed.

Five research priorities: 1- pain management, 2- Osteoarthritis, 3- Inflammatory Arthritis, 4- Childhood Arthritis, 5- Work
Graph - 80% growth in direct research - bar chart
Every $1 dollar Arthritis Society Canada invested weas multiplied 6.1 times by other sources

117 research projects: 65 operating grants, 37 training awards, 13 career development awards, 2 team grants; 304 presentations given; 150 peer-reviewed publications; 290 new collaborations
304 researchers and research staff supported at 27 research institutes across Canada: pie chart, 117 lead researchers, 87 additional trainees, 100 highly qualified research personnel
304 researchers and research staff supported at 27 research institutes across Canada: pie chart, 117 lead researchers, 87 additional trainees, 100 highly qualified research personnel

“Arthritis Society Canada’s support is helping me uncover therapies for scleroderma, a potentially fatal form of arthritis. My study revealed similarities between the affected cells of people with this disease and those with cancer. This finding could lead to new scleroderma therapies and a better understanding of other arthritis forms.”
- Dr. Mohamed Osman
Researcher and Rheumatologist, University of Alberta

Driving policy change through advocacy

Our advocacy efforts are ensuring that arthritis care remains a priority at provincial and federal levels and people with arthritis have a platform to voice their concerns. This year, we advocated for the safe transition to biosimilar medication, convened a working group to understand the state of arthritis care in Canada, initiated a social impact pilot project to screen infants for hip dysplasia to prevent future osteoarthritis, advocated for the implementation of our recommendations to reduce wait times for surgeries and participated in the federal legislative review of the Cannabis Act to help Canadians with arthritis access medical cannabis.

3,500+ advocacy actions: wait times campaign, Quebec Arthritis Care, Provincial Elections (ON, QC, PEI)
34 public policy decisions: reducing surgical wait times, health data strategy, transition to biosimilars, medical cannabis
34 public policy decisions: Research funding, Chronic pain strategy, Access to clinical trials, Canada Disability Benefit


52 engagements with policy makers and advocates
68+ proclamations and landmarks lit up in blue during Arthritis Awareness Month in September 2022

“My daughter Aya was two years old when she was diagnosed with arthritis. It was very challenging at first because we had to rely on observation, and she couldn’t communicate her pain with us. I connected with Arthritis Society Canada, and through its support, I was able to advocate for better treatment. It has been wonderful to find a sense of community and opportunities to connect with others who really understand what it is like to live with arthritis.”
- Keiko Katoaka
Member of the Advocacy committee

Creating a pain-free future through innovation

We are empowering Canada’s top scientific and entrepreneurial minds to create solutions that support people with arthritis. Through the Arthritis Ideator AwardsTM, we are showcasing and funding arthritis solutions and putting a spotlight on this chronic, debilitating disease. Our Ignite Research Grants are transforming and shifting research paradigms by funding novel, high-potential projects that could be expanded in the future. Tapping into innovations means more Canadians with arthritis can manage their pain and access better care.

2022 Arthritis Ideator Awards TM $200,000 awarded to 4 entrepreneurs
Ideator and entrepreneurs are driving novel solutions that are supporting people with arthritis to
Improve funciton (digital application, machine learning, biomedical engenering), Have accurate and earlier diagnosis (AI/health data analysis), Enable self-management (leverage digital applications), Have better function and movement (assistive devices)

Sponsors: Emovi, ImaginAble, Operas, Prova
$1.35 million committed through 14 new Ignite Research Grants
Bar chart, 14 in 2022-23 and 12 in 2021-22

“Having Arthritis Society Canada as a long-term partner is fantastic. It really is a validation of our work and creates opportunities for PROVA to move forward.”
- Matthew Rosato
Founder of WithinStride®, by PROVA Innovations

Matthew Rosato was inspired by accompanying his son, who lives with cerebral palsy, to physiotherapy. WithinStride®, ‘smart’ in-soles that support gait rehabilitation, was created by Rosato and his team to help people with knee and hip osteoarthritis learn better movement patterns at home.

Empowering people through information and support

Our "It’s better to know” Healthy Joint campaign launched in January 2023 to create awareness of early arthritis symptoms and connected more than 56,000 people in pain to resources. Arthritis Talks, our signature webinar series, saw a growth of 22 percent in live attendees and our newly launched Arthritis Connections peer support program exceeded all expectations, with 705 participants in its first year. Underserved communities were supported with seven Community Action Grants, a new venture focused on improving access to arthritis information and support. Each year, we are seeing an expansion in our reach, which means more Canadians are accessing reliable information and finding a support system.

Supporting Kids with Childhood Arthritis: 242 campers back in-person at 6 camps across the country, 132 virtual sunrise program participants, 91 backpacks distributed
Graph - 61% arthritis talks, 31.8% AREP, 7.2% arthritis line and other
sponsors: A&E, AMC, CNN, FOX, Global, MA\TV, NFL, TLC, TSN

We are reaching more and more Canadians each year in 2022-23:
Website - 1.8 million visitors, flourish newsletter - 111,300+ subscribers, Arthritis Talks - 18,844 live attendees, Arthritis Rehabilitation and Education Program (AREP) - 19,500 visits and 6,000 reached through groups and presentations, Arthritis Connections and Arthritis Line - 2,600+ peole reached
123,500+ Canadians received direct or one-on-one support through Arthritis Talks, The Arthritis Rehabilitation and Eduction Program, the Arthritis Line and The Arthritis Connections peer support program

“The Arthritis Social Hour, launched through the support of Arthritis Society Canada’s Community Action Grants, is creating a safe and welcoming space for 20 to 60 year old adults. The program is bringing healing to many people with arthritis through opportunities to learn, socialize, and share their arthritis journeys.”
- Eileen Davidson, Vancouver
Founder of Arthritis Social Hour