2022 marked a return to in-person events, and we seized the opportunity to engage face to face with over 1,950 donors and supporters and build new relationships. Daring to dream bigger and bolder, we launched three new events and collectively raised over $850,000 (net).

26 Ignite Research Grants
two bar chart, 2022-23 with 14 and 2021-22 with 12
34 public policy changed the lives of people living with arthritis
26 Ignite Research Grants
two bar chart, 2022-23 with 14 and 2021-22 with 12


Thank you to our event sponsors for their generous support

To find out more about event sponsorships, please contact Anna Baranowski at abaranowski@arthritis.ca.

Maddie Watts“The hardest part was the unknown. Getting the right diagnosis took time and there were moments where I felt helpless. As soon as we knew what was going on, I read so much about it. I consulted Arthritis Society Canada’s website and found help in support groups. Confiding in someone that is going through a similar experience really helped.”
- Maddie Watts