Sources of Revenue

Revenue graph


Expense graph

For year ended March 31, 2023

Statement of Financial Activities

Year ended March 31, 2023, with comparative information for 2022.

  2023 2022


$ $
Major Gifts 4,420,498 3,194,156
Planned Giving 7,386,952 4,904,786
Direct Response 7,251,251 7,795,839
Events 1,574,769 204,707
Government 5,743,460 6,521,390
Other 2,615,479 2,303,570
TOTAL REVENUE 28,992,409 24,924,448



Research 6,237,332 5,247,265
Programs and services 10,745,652 9,809,390
Building operation 745,588 668,474
Administration 2,860,071 2,324,635
20,588,643 18,049,764
Cost of raising funds from the public 8,364,359 7,447,313
TOTAL EXPENSES 28,953,002 25,497,077
Excess (deficiency) of revenue over expenses 39,407 (572,629)
Unrealized gain (loss) on investments (481,128) 145,227

Deficiency of revenue over expenses



*Reflects an approved investment out of a prior-year surplus to execute a comprehensive campaign to boost public awareness and give voice to people living with arthritis.

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Arthritis Society Canada is accredited by the Imagine Canada Standards Program, Canada’s highest measure of excellence for charities and not-for-profits.