Executive Message
From the Board Chair and President and CEO
Inside every Canadian living with arthritis there are two people.
The person who gets up every morning, bravely putting one foot in front of the other while silently hoping today will be a good day.
Then there’s the other person inside, desperate for a cure but no longer daring to hope for one, because the world keeps telling them, “It’s just arthritis.” Some even believe it themselves.
These brave souls live and move among us.
Six million strong. Six million silent.
The Arthritis Society is the relentless counterforce that fights the fire of arthritis through research, advocacy and innovation.
We are all in to end arthritis, so people with arthritis can live their best life free from arthritis.
From the Board Chair and President and CEO
Fighting the fire of arthritis
The people who inspire our resolve
The Canadians who fuel our efforts
Financial report 2020-2021
Accountability and integrity
Join us in fighting the fire of arthritis and help millions live in a world free from devastating effects of this disease.
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