Page 6 - Arthritis Society Annual Report 2019/2020
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      Accelerating Impact is driving our information and support programs.

      Drawing on the expertise of health professionals and leaders in their field, the Arthritis Society provides
      evidence-based information, education programs and online tools and resources to people living                  HIGHLIGHTS:
      with arthritis and their families. Trusted information and support are critical to ensuring that people are
      knowledgeable and empowered to thrive as they face this diagnosis.
                                           In 2019-20:
                                                                                                                  learning guides were

         1.7M                           11,879                              400                                     introduced online,

          PEOPLE REACHED,                PEOPLE PARTICIPATED               CHILDREN ATTENDED                              including:
         UP 70% FROM THE                IN OUR ARTHRITIS TALKS            SUMMER CAMP IN 2019
            YEAR BEFORE                    WEBINAR SERIES                   AND 127 CHILDREN                        Mental health and
                                                                         NEWLY DIAGNOSED WITH
                                                                           ARTHRITIS RECEIVED                             well-being
                                                                         ERGONOMIC BACKPACKS

                                                                                                                    Arthritis and work

                                              By 2025:

                                                                                                                    Medical cannabis
              3M                          25,000                                3,000

           PEOPLE REACHED                      CANADIANS                       TOTAL CHILDREN AND
              EACH YEAR                        SUPPORTED                        FAMILIES HELPED
            WITH TRUSTED                        THROUGH                          TO THRIVE WITH
             INFORMATION                       OUR ONLINE                          ARTHRITIS

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