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Competition Results

Annual Competition Results

Arthritis Society Canada research investments

Arthritis Society Canada funds only the best, most scientifically meritorious research proposals that offer the greatest hope for improvements in our ability to diagnose, prevent, treat, repair and lead to a cure for arthritis. 

In 2023-24, Arthritis Society Canada invested $6.6 million in arthritis research and the development of researchers and clinicians.

Competition Results


Strategic Operating Grants

Arthritis Society Canada plans to publicly announce these awards in 2025. Host institutions and award recipients must first contact us before any local announcements are made.

Stars Career Development Awards

Arthritis Society Canada plans to publicly announce these awards in 2025. Host institutions and award recipients must first contact us before any local announcements are made.

CRAF (CIORA)-Arthritis Society Canada Clinician Investigator Award

Ignite Innovation Grants

Arthritis Society Canada plans to publicly announce these awards in 2025. Host institutions and award recipients must first contact us before any local announcements are made.

PhD Salary Awards

Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards


Research Excellence, Diversity, and Independence (REDI) Early Career Transition Award

Stars Career Development Awards

Strategic Operating Grants

Ignite Innovation Grants

PhD Salary Awards

Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards


Stars Career Development Awards

Strategic Operating Grants

Ignite Innovation Grants

PhD Salary Awards

Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards


Stars Career Development Awards

Strategic Operating Grants

Ignite Innovation Grants

PhD Salary Awards

Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards


Stars Career Development Awards

Strategic Operating Grants

PhD Salary Awards

Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards

Partnerships and Strategic Programs

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